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Ziran Qigong Courses

6-week Ziran Qigong Foundation Training

In Ziran Qigong it is believed that the health of the body, mind and spirit relies upon a smooth flow of Qi within the body and beyond. Our body/mental disease is the result of poor Qi circulation, stagnation and the lack of communication between our inner world and the universe. Learn to harmonise the five phases.


The five elements of Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth relate to specific organs that govern the function and health of your body. Learning to balance and purify these energies will open the meridians allowing your Qi to flow. Suitable for all levels of experience from beginners to those seeking to deepen their qigong practice.

Balance and purify the five phases strengthening your Qi to enhance your health and vitality.

Qigong is an ancient Chinese practice coordinating your breath and slow fluid movements in a calm mindful state. Learn to recognize blockages in the body to assist relaxation and release of tension and stress.

Taoists believe that there are five basic energies or elements which make up the universe - Metal, Water, Wood, Fire and Earth. These five elements are also found within our body and relate to specific organs - Lung, Kidney, Liver, Heart and Spleen.


Through regular practice of the movements with your mind focused on the breath and meridian points, Five Element Qigong works to balance and purify these five Organs. By building up a great Qi flow, one strengthens their 'Yuan Qi', which further prevents the buildup of negative Qi and disease.


During practice, the practitioner's mind should be in state of meditation. When your 'Yi' (your 'will') focuses on different meridians, this will help you to clean up the emotions which affect your organs, such as grief, fear, anger, anxiety and worry. By detoxing and keeping your five elements in balance, you will greatly enhance your heath and vitality.


Enable the meridians to open and free your body from physical and emotional bonds, creating space and emptiness allowing you to drop life's baggage and clean out useless attachments.



COURSE:           Ziran Qigong Foundation Course

DATE:                 6 week course - date to be advised
TIME:                  6:00 - 7:00pm

COST:                 $195 for online registration

LOCATION:        St.Andrews Uniting Church, 85 Gillies St Fairfield (Enter from Duncan St)

INSTRUCTOR:   Ralph Spethmann, Ziran Qigong Master Instructor

REGISTER:        Click here to email your interest for the next course


Onlione Ziran Qigong Classes

Online Ziran Qigong training for all students to practice and consolidate forms.



Ziran Qigong - Monday Class

Guided by Ziran Qigong Master Instructor teaching and refining movements, focusing on structure, breath and the energy pathways of the body.

ONLINE            Email us for registration details

CLASS:              Open intermediate

DATE:                 Weekly - Monday evenings

TIME:                  6:00 - 7:15pm

COST:                 $80 for 4 week block, $25 for casual attendance

INSTRUCTOR:   Ralph Spethmann, Ziran Qigong Master Instructor

All welcome

Ziran Qigong - Wednesday Class

Training your essence to convert to Qi

Guided practice of Shaolin Bashi and Ziran Zitong Gong, Medical Qigong for self healing

ONLINE            Email us for registration details

CLASS:              Open intermediate

DATE:                 Weekly - Wednesday evenings

TIME:                  6:00 - 7:15pm

COST:                 $80 for 4 week block, $25 for casual attendance

INSTRUCTOR:   Ralph Spethmann, Ziran Qigong Master Instructor

All welcome



Ziran Qigong Course Inquiries at Fairfield

Use this email form for any inquiries for any of the courses we have scheduled. In the message field clearly indicate the course you are inquiring about and provide detail of your question.

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Finding a Ziran Qigong class

For details on Ziran Qigong classes and instructors in your area click on the 'Courses and Instructors' or the 'Workshops' tab in the menu bar.


Abbotsford    |   Qigong Melbourne, Abbotsford Convent – 1 St. Hilier St, Abbotsford

Fairfield    |   Ziran Qigong and Tai Chi - St Andrews Uniting Church, 85 Gillies Street Fairfield

Kew    |   Ziran Martial Arts - Habitat Uniting Church, 23 Highbury Grove Kew

Torquay    |    5 Elements Kung Fu Academy, 1 Merrijig Drive, Level 1 Grant Pavilion, Torquay

South Yarra    |    LiuHe-ZiRanMen Kungfu Academy, 30 Fitzgerald Street, South Yarra 

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